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Joining Uri and Uri’s personal escort program

Time left to join

What will you receive as part of the consultation?

  • 6 consultation, guidance and support calls of about half an hour  each with Uri Levy and Uri Firoz (2 calls each month), during which we will talk about you and your Amazon business (existing or future), and what is holding you back from conquering the top
  • At the end of each conversation, an action plan and tasks to continue , which will help you move one step further each time on the way to the goals you set for yourself
  • All the conversations that will take place between us will be recorded and uploaded to a Google Drive folder so that you can watch them again and again

Gold warranty

If at the end of the first call you feel that you did not receive enough value, not only will we allow you to receive all your money back, we will add another payment of NIS 500 to the refund. A gift from us. And not only that, you will also be able to keep the recording of the call for yourself.

Contact Us

If you have additional questions about the course, send us an email to [email protected]

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הזן פרטים

אני מאשר את תנאי השימוש באתר